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Are subtitles putting your device at risk?

Research carried out by Check Point has led to the discovery of a new type of Cyberattack using subtitles. When movies and/or TV shows are illegally downloaded they don’t usually come with subtitles and instead of manually having to search for the subtitles on the...

Rensenware | Ransomware with a twist

Here at One I.T. Support we always like to stay aware of the viruses floating around the World Wide Web, so when we heard about Ransomware that requires a high score on a game rather than an amount of money we were naturally intrigued. The virus is a type of...

Protecting against cybercrime

Staying safe online can sometimes be a bit more difficult than imagined, especially for businesses. With Cybercrime accounting for over 50% of all reported crimes in 2015 (source: ONS), it is more important, now than ever, to protect yourself and your business. One of...

Nokia 3310 Resurgence

The 3310, one of Nokia’s most iconic and successful phones, is set to make a comeback as it’s reported to be re-released at the Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona starting on the 27th February. Released after the 3210, the 3310 was and still is a phone that...

Have a tech-y Christmas

So as the season draws nearer and retailers scrap for every sale, predicting the big hitters this Christmas, what’s on the agenda? Buzz Lightyear? A Furbie? iPads and Apple gadgets? What will the kids be clamouring for this Christmas? The answer may surprise...

The Benefits of Solid-State Drives

In recent months, the price of SSDs (Solid-State Drives) has decreased markedly, making the technology affordable to all. In light of this, we thought it was the perfect time to expose the benefits of SSDs and how they can enhance and improve your computer. We...